Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Setting the Steel

Today they are getting all of the steel in for the footings but still need another day to tie the vertical bars that will become the walls.  We called for an inspector to approve the steel on Thursday morning.

Here are a few photos of the steel:

They tie the rebar together with steel wire to hold it in place while the concrete  is being poured in

The cages which are sitting inside the footings and are held off the ground by little concrete blocks - this allows the concrete to surround the bars on all sides

This is where the engineer has called out for extra reinforcing at a corner

The new footings also need to be connected with the existing footings - to achieve this they drilled into the existing footings and used a very very strong glue called Epoxy to attach the rebar into the existing footing.  This rebar will get connected to the rebar from the new footings so that they all act together in case the house settles or in case of an earthquake.

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